Literally meaning “three fruits”, triphala is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal formulation
consisting of three fruits native to the Indian subcontinent:
Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica) and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula).

Amalaki (emblica officinalis)

Amalaki known as Indian gooseberry or amla, is considered one of the best rejuvenating herbs inAyurveda. It’s a strong natural antioxidant containing 20 times more vitamin C than orange juice. In India, amalaki is known as the “nurse herb” because it strengthens the immune system and cools the body, balancing the Pitta dosha. Amalaki is a potent rejuvenator that nourishes the tissues and gently removes natural toxins. Amalaki’s cooling action removes excess pitta from the GI tract, supporting a healthy stomach lining and the proper function of digestive acids. It also cleanses the colon, eliminating excess toxins and heat while supporting healthy bowel movements.It promotes healthy eyes, bones, blood, teeth, hair and nails while supporting the proper function of the liver, spleen, pancreas, heart and lungs

Haritaki (terminalia chebula)

Haritaki has the strongest laxative powers of the three fruits contained in triphala. In Tibet, haritaki is so highly revered that in their sacred paintings, it’s often depicted in the extended palm of the medicine Buddha. The herb also has astringent properties and balances Vata. Haritaki or Terminalia chebula's fruit is mild laxative, stomachic, tonic, alterative, adaptogen, hepatoprotective, febrifuge, antispasmodic, expectorant, anti-asthmatic, antiviral and hypoglycaemic. It is useful in ophthalmia, hemorrhoids, dental caries, bleeding gums, ulcerated oral cavity and in many other diseases according to Ayurveda.

Bibhitaki (terminalia belerica)

Bibhitaki is one of the best herbs for detoxifying and rejuvenating kapha. As such, it is used in all types of kapha imbalances and is especially helpful in supporting the organs and tissues where kapha tends to accumulate. These include the lungs, liver and urinary tract as well as the sinuses, ears, eyes and throat. It is extremely astringent in taste and has the qualities of being dry and light, all of which help to balance the inherent damp and heavy qualities of kapha. Bibhitaki also helps maintain balanced body fluid levels while toning and cleansing the colon. It is useful in treating disorders relating to the manipura chakra (solar plexus) relating to function of abdominal nervous system. In lower doses is used to treat diarrhea (laxative properties are apparent in higher doses). Though energetically ‘hot,’ it does not aggravate pitta.

Cabbage rose

The petals of the Cabbage or Provence Rose (both shatapari and centifolia mean ‘having one hundred petals’) and are renowned for their many health giving properties. They are used in many Maharishi Ayurveda preparations. Rose petals balance Sadhaka Pitta, the subdosha that governs the heart and emotions.What is less obvious is that rose petals also balance the mind by enhancing the coordination between Sadhaka Pitta and Prana Vata (the subdosha of Vata that governs the brain, head, chest, respiration, sensory perception and the mind).Like Amalaki, rose petals are cooling, yet they enhance agni, the digestive fire. This is the rare quality that gives balance to all three doshas. They specifically help to maintain the health of the skin, eyes and menstrual flow.

Study of Triphala

Studies performed since 2000 suggest that Triphala may be antioxidant, antimutagenic, antineoplastic, chemoprotective, radioprotective, and chemopreventive. Furthermore, a recent report reviews the evidence of Triphala for treating and preventing cancer.Triphala’s historical use as a digestive cleanser has been backed up with numerous modern scientific studies.

Triphala churna (powder) is a mild laxative, which cleanses and tonifies the gastro-intestinal tract.Triphala is known as a cleaning agent, including a blood cleanser. Because of its high vitamin content, Triphala is often used as a food supplement like vitamins are in Western countries. In fact, the benefits of this herb are so well known that a well known Indian saying goes like this: “You do not have a mother? Don’t worry, as long as you have Triphala in your life!”. In recent years, a number of research studies have found new uses for this herb, including treatment for various forms of cancer. It is also found to have high antioxidant qualities, and is even useful for treatment against noise and stress induced conditions

Because of its high nutritional content, Ayurvedic doctors generally do not regard Triphala as a mere laxative. Some of the scientific research and practical experience of people who have used it down through the ages has demonstrated that Triphala is an effective blood purifier that stimulates bile secretion as it detoxifies the liver, helps digestion and assimilation, and significantly reduces serum cholesterol and lipid levels throughout the body. As a result, it is regarded as a kind of universal panacea and is the most commonly prescribed herbal formula.

Benefits of Triphala

  • Improves digestion
  • Alleviates and corrects constipation
  • Tones the gastrointestinal tract
  • Triphala powder cleans bowel and normalizes the digestive system
  • Purifies the blood
  • Removes excess fats out of the body
  • Nurtures voice quality
  • Strengthens hair roots
  • Enrich hair color
  • Improves eyesight
  • It has various liver, blood cleansing and nutritional properties
  • It contains anthraquinones that help in stimulating peristalsis
  • Rich in one of the powerful antioxidants, polyphenols, which reduces oxidative stress on the body
  • High amount of vitamin C builds immunity
  • Maintains good reproductive health in both genders, nourishes and strengthens the respiratory tract and the lungs.

Triphala and Ayurveda: Traditional Uses

Triphala is recommended and used more often than any other Ayurvedic herbal formulation. It is popular for its unique ability to gently cleanse and detoxify the system while simultaneously replenishing and nourishing it. In Ayurvedic terms, triphala, used in moderation, is said to have a beneficial effect on all three doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha. It is most well-known for its gentle effects on the bowels, improving peristalsis and cleansing toxic build up of wastes; but Ayurveda also views triphala as a nourishing supplement known for its ability to rejuvenate healthy tissues, allowing one to age gracefully.

  • The Caraka Samhita, one of the main texts of Ayurveda, describes Haritaki as the remover of disease and promotes haritaki and amalaki for rasāyana, or rejuvenation of the body.
  • Triphala is also traditionally used as a tonic in hair and eye washes.
  • For those with sluggish digestion and build up of ama, triphala is said to kindle the digestive fire (deepana) and help improve digestion (pachana), allowing one to get the most nutrition from one’s dietary intake.
  • Culturally, Haritaki is given the highest respect for restoring health. The Medicine Buddha is often depicted with a haritaki fruit held in his hand. It is said to give the blessing of long life, and along with amalaki and bibhitaki, will nurture you like a mother.

Check These Certified Triphala Products.

Colon Cleanse (Triphala)

Triphala consists of three fruits, which work synergistically to detoxify your entire digestive tract. Cabbage Rose is added to support and enhance the other ingredients.

Besides helping you detox, Triphala Rose helps in absorbing nutrients effectively and in restoring your health, immunity and energy.

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Triphala Rose 250g

Triphala consists of three fruits, which work synergistically to detoxify your entire digestive tract. Cabbage Rose is added to support and enhance the other ingredients.

Besides helping you detox, Triphala Rose helps in absorbing nutrients effectively and in restoring your health, immunity and energy.

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